The Situation:

A brand long known as the largest workwear manufacturer in the world and sold in every U.S. state wished to engage a broad consumer base with their products that would transform Dickies from workwear to everyday, casual wear. Dickies turned to imre to help leverage earned media and celebrity seeding to shift cultural perception of the brand.

The Solution:

Understanding the ability that influencers and celebrities (and their stylists) possess to shape culture and fashion trends, imre worked with Dickies to employ a seeding program that would put Dickies in the hands (and closets) of today's tastemakers -- while still reaching its core workwear customer. 

imre seeded Dickies with top stylists and celebrities, including Kanye West, Alicia Keys, Zoe Kravitz, Pete Davidson, Rihanna, Halsey for her SNL performance, Christian Bale at the Indy 500, numerous celebrities at Coachella and many more.  

What We Did:

Brand Identity  |  Influencer Marketing  |  Media Relations  |  Public Relations   Strategic Planning    

The Results:

The imre team leveraged celebrity seeding moments to procure editorial features in top fashion and lifestyle publications including the Daily Mail, GQ, Vogue, The Hollywood Reporter and more. Our program generated 371 media placements and 1.9 billion media impressions.




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