Hospitality management,
well managed.

As a one-stop hospitality partner, Huswell provides owners, investors and tenants with the perfect balance. For the entire process of a rental and through the chosen third-party platforms. We, in turn, focused on a new naming, brand positioning, and brand identity. A rebranding aligned with the growth from start-up to scale-up.

Float on the flow.

Huswell's list of services, including advertising, set-up, regulatory and repairs, needed more thought. As well as their data-backed nature and insightful online platform. It was a hassle-free, clear step that required an equally clean and intrusive brand identity. Though one with a twist.

For both the owner, the platform and the tenant, the Huswell "H" is a mark that they have arrived to the right place.

What's more, where many operators focus on the potential guests, they reverse the focal point and start at the source. Supporting the landlord.

Huswell as a quality label.

As managing a property is not always an easy or smooth ride, Huswell comes with services that provide breathing room for property owners. A feeling of flowingness that is also reflected in the brand identity and the unmissable design.

With a fresh name and brand identity, Huswell is ready to take hospitality management to the next level!


Huswell - Rebranding

Huswell - Rebranding
