Profil von Sharon Fitinfun Foto

This is an American Yard Sale

This photo essay is for our last Yard Sale - just to give you an idea.
The upcoming Yard sale is on Thursday, October 3 2013. We hope to see you there.
This is where we are having our yard sale tomorrow. We use the large front patio behind Annie. Annie and the birds and the dog are not for sale but you are likely to see them sometime between 8 am and noon because they walk be at least twice each morning.
Jack and Annie are selling a little speed boat from the alley and they might bring some other stuff if I go bug Jack tonight like I plan to..
These will be for sale and lots of other beauty products.
Chritmas VCR's
I'm baking a lot of bread an muffins so you can buy those if you show up hungry. My bread is organic and delicious. Believe it. 
Here's Faith, one of the neighbors who is joining the sale. This dresser is gone. Faith is out selling lovely things in the alley All. The. Time. Everyone should have Faith in their life and I am not kidding. Ever since she moved here with her son and husband this place had been whipped into shape. Everyone knows everyone now - directly because of Faith. 
There she goes,
but she will be here in the moring - still smiling, I am sure.
I have a lot of organic and natural foods to sell. I didn't realize I had so much. Now that my son has moved on I have no need for this large supply.
More beauty supplies and lots of larger women's size clothing.
Ice packs - lots!
I have almost all non-fiction books on many topics
A Dilbert Head for Halloween and a BSA Dior Scarf. They would go together well.
This is my son's room.Men's extra large clothing and pokemon and toys and dinosaurs etc...
Crutches and a guitar...
My son's oil painting will be showing and for sale. He is very talented even though I did not get a focus on this one
Much more organic food
Keyboard - works with batteries - the cord is lost 
Office supllies for an army
Extra Large Women's clothing. I used to weigh 275 pounds and today I am 140 pounds. I have casual and work clothes in the larger sizes.
More large men's and women's clothing
Christmas stuff
More Christmas
Here's how I look when I go through these treasured Items. I'm protecting myself from dust and mold. You should too.
There is so much more to come and I will be updating frequently over the next hours before the sale. Please check back.
If you are obese and wondering if you will ever feel good again, please look at my About Me here:
I lost 130 pounds by eating delicious healthy food and exercising intensely within my limits. You can too. You don't need to feel bad if you believe in yourself.
This is an American Yard Sale

This is an American Yard Sale

Here's how we pass our treasures on to others in an efficient and pleasant manner.
