PURO, meaning pure in Filipino, is an advocate for all things natural. The brand offers botanical skin care products that understand your perpetually changing skin, evolving just as much as your energy and emotions. Infusing a combination of distinct herbal plant oils, their light solutions and simple detoxes uplift your natural state, in order to repair, moisturize, and protect your skin. PURO strives to prove that skin care shouldn’t be complicated— and taking time to care for yourself is an essential.
To embody its name, the philosophy for PURO drove the direction of the design towards a flowing imagery. Symmetry plays a part in the elements, but just like nature, it gives way to growth as illustrated in its logo. Balancing different shades of green, we set out to create a vision of a canopy overlooking rocks, trees, and everything in nature. To match the brand’s organic roots, classic fonts Montserrat and Roboto were selected to convey the message of purity.

Visual Identity
Art Direction
Brand Application
