Weeelectric (part of Weee Netherlands) is the easiest way to recycle your small, electrical products: just give them to the package delivery person if you have ordered something via the internet so that they can be recycled by Weee Netherlands.

Developing a new visual identity (while maintaining the Weeelectric logo, but designing a new campaign logo) and making it clear that recycling is important.

Which products can your reuse and for what purpose. For example, did you know that 200 mobile phones contain enough gold for a wedding ring? But where is that gold and what else can you find in a mobile phone? Let's show the little details in your products.

To make this clear and visually appealing, we came up with the idea of using 'Knolling'. The Knolling technique is the process of arranging a group of related objects in a clean, organized way by utilizing parallel lines and 90° angles.

For this assignment we have photographed four products (mobile phone, desktop computer, vacuum cleaner and washing machine) on a Green Screen:

A. The complete product;
B. Taken apart and positioned using the Knolling technique;
C. Details shots of the small parts.

Photo's - The making of (April 26th 2019)

Video - Boormachine (November 11th 2019)

Step 1 : the Machines

Step 2: Deconstruct the Machines

Step 3: The details


​​​​​​​Assignment on behalf of brandwebbing

Client: Weeelectric
Concept: Nathan Roos & Rembrandt Smids
Art Direction & Designer: Nathan Roos
Photography & Color corrections: MooiMerk
Videographer & Editing: Filmdepartment (Julius Pot)
Copywriter: Rianne van Capelle, Rembrandt Smids & Nathan Roos
Logo design "Deconstruct the Machine": Nathan Roos
Planning & media export: Rianne van Capelle
Published: June 2019 & December 2019

Deconstruct the Machine