Profiel van Vadym Prysiazhnyi

Sub-millimiter-world around us

It's been a while. There is nothing to say. However, I felt like it is about a time to come back.
I bought one small USB microscope from AliExpress and started to play with pieces of leaves, glass, flowers and other pieces of sidewalk and park nature around myself. And I was very surprized with what I saw.
I hardly can name plants (as I am not biologist), but the result impressed.

I will try to give some tips on what it is. There is not high quality photos, and I tried to o minimum editing (some 0.3 unsharp mask with a slight brightness intensity change to increase contrast, so it is almost as it is seen in the microscope.


Piece of tree bark
Mushroom (maybe eatable, but did not tested it)
Wild horse raddish seed
Green (freshly taken) unknown piece (probably it is the one that we used to throw at each other in childhood... 
Wild analogue of sme kind of wheat
Unknown dried flower (or seed)
Some pink flower
Some semi dried thing
This is the inside of one flower
Pinky flower
Unknown piece of seed (maybe)
Sub-millimiter-world around us

Sub-millimiter-world around us

Small set of initial playing with my new toy - small USB microscope. I wondered around my typical places of habitat and take small samples that a Meer lezen



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