The workshop Urbanism for Kids was part of Archivo Verano, an event series organized by Archivo, a space for architecture and design in Mexico City. TwoPoints.Net developed a puzzle game which allowed the participating kids to construct their own vision of Mexico City. Each of the eight puzzle pieces represented a type of space that can be found in Mexico City. From the old town, the business districts, the parks, the industrial areas, the freeways, the favelas, the futuristic districts to the rural suburbs. The goal of the workshop was to give the kids the opportunity to think on a bigger scale about their city. The illustrations were only made of outlines, so the kids could color them.
Client: Archivo | Photos of workshop: Mario Ballesteros | Photo of wall: Sarah Dorweiler

Urbanism for Kids
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Urbanism for Kids

The workshop Urbanism for Kids was part of Archivo Verano, an event series organized by Archivo, a space for architecture and design in Mexico Lire la suite

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