Profil użytkownika „Numinous Agency®”

OrionSight | Branding & Visual Identity

OrionSight's New Chapter with Numinous

When we started thinking about taking OrionSight's brand to the next level, we knew we needed a partner who understood our vision and our commitment to making top-tier connectivity accessible to everyone, everywhere. That's why we chose Numinous. Known for their knack in creating meaningful brand stories that really speak to people, we were drawn to their ability to simplify complex ideas into something beautiful and clear.

Our collaboration wasn't just about updating our look—it was about crafting an identity that truly reflects our mission to bring the world closer together through technology. We wanted a brand that not only looked fresh but also encapsulated our passion for innovation and our dedication to our customers.


Brand Identity,  Logo Design, Brand Style Guide, Color Scheme, Typography, Digital Design, Animations.

Agency: Numinous® | Instagram  |  Email  |  Website

Thank You

Follow us on instagram: @NuminousAgency
Want to work with us?: Click Here

Studio: Numinous®
Agency Website:
Client: OrionSight
Agency Director: Geovanie Radcliffe
Year: 2024

OrionSight | Branding & Visual Identity


OrionSight | Branding & Visual Identity
