Profil użytkownika „lowkey design”

Unomi Health Care Rebranding & Packaging

Unomi Healthe Care Rebranding & Packaging Design

Brand Introduction
UNOMI 是一个实验室级口服美容品牌,创立初心是以“营养美学”理念,重塑保健品形象。团队坚信,“护肤品”一直以来是个狭义概念,存在重新定义、全面升级的空间——通过把高端护肤品中的有效成分浓缩为高纯度均衡剂量的营养补剂,UNOMI 希望推广内服外养的护肤理念,让消费者吃上优质有效的口服美容品。

We're UNOMI - a laboratory-standard beauty supplement brand with a simple mission: to make everyone look great and feel greater. The link between skin wellness and balanced nutrition is well acknowledged, yet the science behind this link has a communication problem. We are keening to be the translational storytellers to interpret this link to the consumers -- by redefining "skincare" in a more comprehensive concept that everything we do and uses for skin wellness should be part of the skincare routine. Through employing cutting-edge beauty ingredient to develop products that support health and glowing skin—beauty starts from within.
Design Concept
科学、健康、营养美学是 UNOMI 的品牌关键词。

由此出发,UNOMI 希望藉由包装带给消费者的情绪,不是有趣活泼、亦不是鬼马精灵,而是中性冷静。我们从字体版式、色彩、图形再创造这几个方面,创造了属于 UNOMI 的视觉声音。

Science, Health and Aesthetics are the primary concepts of UNOMI. Based on these concepts, playful or vigorous is not the expression to deliver, instead, the message is clam and genderless.  We stacked UNOMI's visual language through the following aspects: brand pattern, colour composition, and meticulous typography.

The inspiration for this pattern was the negative space drawing from the pill going into the body, where the circle“〇” represented the pill and the "U" represented our body. The brand pattern enhanced brand recognition and also reflected our belief - 'beauty starts from within.'

排版布局的灵感来自实验室标签。展现了 UNOMI 在研发过程中秉持的科学态度,只选择通过实验证明纯净有效的原料。

The laboratory label was the inspiration for the typography. The meticulous typography showcased UNOMI's scientific attitude in choosing only clinically proven ingredients that's pure and potent.
Highlight and Added  Value
盒体:Unomi 的包装颠覆了保健品的传统形象。盒子的重构设计给消费者带来了极大的便利性,只需单手即可取出内容物。

Box Design

1.Unomi's packaging subverted the traditional image of supplements. The structural redesign allows people to take content from inside conveniently in supporting their busy schedule.

Capsule Bowel

2.The design of the "three-dimensional semicircle" capsule bowl brought fun and joyful interaction to the experience of taking supplements. 

Together, the structural redesign and individual packed capsule bowel constituted the perfect combinations of functionality and modest design.
UNOMI サプリメント



Our graphics open the door for brands to connect with people.

Unomi Health Care Rebranding & Packaging

Unomi Health Care Rebranding & Packaging


