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if you want SEO to work for you

if you want SEO to work for you, you need to make sure your goals match the goals of your visitors. It’s not about traffic. It’s about figuring out what you want, and then optimizing for keywords that bring in visitors who want the same things.

Google Webmaster Tools notice of detected doorway pages on xxxxxxxx – Dear site owner or webmaster of xxxxxxxx, We’ve detected that some of your site’s pages may be using techniques that are outside Google’s Webmaster Guidelines. Specifically, your site may have what we consider to be doorway pages – groups of “cookie cutter” or low-quality pages. Such pages are often of low value to users and are often optimized for single words or phrases in order to channel users to a single location. We believe that doorway pages typically create a frustrating user experience, and we encourage you to correct or remove any pages that violate our quality guidelines. Once you’ve made these changes, please submit your site for reconsideration in Google’s search results. If you have any questions about how to resolve this issue, please see our Webmaster Help Forum for support. Sincerely, Google Search Quality Team

I write and publish to my blog to keep track of thoughts and get feedback from industry and peers. As a result, of this strategy, I get about 100K visitors a month from Google.

Backlinks in general, for instance, are STILL weighed FAR too positively by Google and they are manipulated to drive a site to the top positions – for a while. That’s why blackhats do it – and they have the business model to do it. It’s the easiest way to rank a site, still today.

Increasingly Google is serving results to users based on their location. This is particularly important to businesses out there in the real world who ned to catch a searcher’s attention just at the right moment, i.e. while walking down the street, on their mobile and looking for somewhere to eat.

When creating meta tag descriptions, make sure your keywords are in your description, using full sentences. Don’t make the description too long, though, or it might get cut off. If possible, also try to make each page have a unique meta description.

Lots extreamily blanket statments, highly subjective points and a lot of generalisation; however some of the bits you cover are correct, to a point. I wouldn’t take this post as a crib sheet to undertaking your own SEO by any means. An example of one of these ‘issues’ would be the Long Tail Keywords. 

While the statements made here were once true, they would appear to not be the case to the same extent anymore with the introduction of Google Instant search. It is believed that this functionality will eradicate the usages of long-long tailed keywords, with the focus now being much more towards the short and medium tailed terms. 

You have to keep your funger on the pulse. Alot changes, and fast! So it’s all well and good having the basics in place, but this will get you no-where regarding SEO. You need to be constantly evolving.

Google har i dag en såkaldt “display algoritme” – det betyder, at de kan “se” dine sider – lidt på samme måde som man ser sider i en browser. Noget af det de rigtig gerne vil se er, om den tekst – det indhold – som siden er relevant for, befinder sig synligt og above the fold.

Flash is a propriety plug-in created by Macromedia to infuse (albeit) fantastically rich media for your websites. The W3C advises you avoid the use of such proprietary technology to construct an entire site. Instead, build your site with CSS and HTML ensuring everyone, including search engine robots, can sample your website content. Then, if required, you can embed media files such as Flash in the HTML of your website.

I’ve been subjected to _so_ many pitches from self-styled SEO consultants. Yours is a thoughtful and clear breakdown for my startup. At the end of the post you say “Just be patient…” I’m wondering about how patient we should be… ie when should we start augmenting our blog/SEO marketing with other more traditional efforts (if at all?). thanks!

At the moment, I don’t know you, your business, your website, your resources, your competition or your product. Even with all that knowledge, calculating ROI is extremely difficult because ultimately Google decides on who ranks where in its results – sometimes that’s ranking better sites, and sometimes (often) it is ranking sites breaking the rules above yours.

Tilsvarende skal du hver eneste gang, du opretter en side eller et produkt på dit website være bevidst om, hvilket keyword(s) du gerne vil have, siden skal ranke på. Det kan være keywords fra din keyword research, som du ikke har fået optimeret endnu eller helt nye varianter. Hvis ikke du ved hvilket keyword, du gerne vil ranke på, er det umuligt at optimere din side.

Google will now begin encrypting searches that people do by default, if they are logged into already through a secure connection. The change to SSL search also means that sites people visit after clicking on results at Google will no longer receive “referrer” data that reveals what those people searched for, except in the case of ads.

Assuming you’ve already done your keyword research, this is one of the most important on-page SEO factors. If you haven’t, here is a step-by-step guide on how to research keywords.

SEO består af både tekniske, redaktionelle og kommunikative udfordringer. Jo bedre du forstår at optimere alle elementer, jo mere synlig vil du blive i søgemaskinerne.

Whether working client-side or for an agency, the ability to prioritize is essential to ensure you are making the most use of the limited resources you are given. Within, this post we’ll run through a few different ways to show how to highlight opportunity across a keyword set, and introduce a keyword difficulty metric you can use to take prioritizing work to the next level.

Lad os antage, at du f.eks. driver en webshop, der sælger gadgets. Jeg har en tilsvarende, der konkurrerer med dig. På din webshop konverterer du i snit 5% af brugerne, der køber 4 ting, for en gennemsnitsværdi af 1.500 kr. og til sammenligning konverterer 2% i min webshop. Mine kunder kun køber 2 ting i snit og bruger 750 kr. I det tilfælde er det rimeligt at antage, at din webshop nok er bedre end min – og derfor fornuftigt at Google ranker den bedre i søgeresultaterne, alt andet lige.

While the statements made here were once true, they would appear to not be the case to the same extent anymore with the introduction of Google Instant search. It is believed that this functionality will eradicate the usages of long-long tailed keywords, with the focus now being much more towards the short and medium tailed terms.

Content, loading times, usability, and attracting the right readers are all part of decreasing your bounce rate. The math is simple – the right readers will spend more time on a site that loads fast, looks good, and has great content.

When it comes to rating user satisfaction, there are a few theories doing the rounds at the moment that I think are sensible. Google could be tracking user satisfaction by proxy. When a user uses Google to search for something, user behaviour from that point on can be a proxy of the relevance and relative quality of the actual SERP.

Here, Zeldman puts the emphasis on his name and the name of the site. If you wanted to find it in the search engines, you would probably search for, "Jeffrey Zeldman" or "the Daily Report."

A crucial part of online marketing today is creating content that educates, solves problems, and shows your expertise. If you are not using content in this manner you will fall behind.

Also, note that it will take time to figure out what works for your site. What works for site A might not work for site B. There aren’t any shortcuts. If you do anything shady to speed things up, eventually you will get caught and punished. It’s never worth it.

A great article. So many so called SEO specialists don’t even know these basics. The other thing that is so evident is that all these points are so logical. Simple logical thinking will make SEO so practical and useful. Write for your readers and not for the Search Engines is the very very first fundamental rule of SEO. Using a clean logical approach, as you’ve demonstrated in your points will take care of most of your SEO needs.

There are various algorithms to calculate relevancy. Each of these algorithms has different relative weights for common factors like keyword density, links, or metatags. That is why different search engines give different search results pages for the same search string. What is more, it is a known fact that all major search engines, like Yahoo!, Google, Bing, etc. periodically change their algorithms and if you want to keep at the top, you also need to adapt your pages to the latest changes. This is one reason (the other is your competitors) to devote permanent efforts to SEO, if you'd like to be at the top.

Professional and credible enough to be working on some of the UK’s, if not the world’s, largest brands. So in future, I’d check to see you were talking to first, before you get on your high horse and start jabbering on.

Successful search optimization for international markets may require professional translation of web pages, registration of a domain name with a top level domain in the target market, and web hosting that provides a local IP address. Otherwise, the fundamental elements of search optimization are essentially the same, regardless of language.

Som med al anden markedsføring anbefaler vi meget, at du måler effekten af det arbejde, du laver. Markedsføring skal jo gerne virke, ellers er det bare penge ud ad vinduet. Ved at måle effekten af det, du laver, kan du luge ud i det, der ikke virker og skrue op for det, som gør. Dermed kan du, over tid, gøre din markedsføring bedre og bedre.

To summarize, a lack of helpful SC may be a reason for a Low quality rating, depending on the purpose of the page and the type of website. We have different standards for small websites which exist to serve their communities versus large websites with a large volume of webpages and content. For some types of “webpages,” such as PDFs and JPEG files, we expect no SC at all.

Subfolders can be trusted less than other subfolders or pages in your site, or ignored entirely. Subfolders *used to seem to me* to take a little longer to get indexed by Google, than for instance .html pages.

A satisfying UX is can help your rankings, with second-order factors taken into consideration. A poor UX can seriously impact your human-reviewed rating, at least. Google’s punishing algorithms probably class pages as something akin to a poor UX if they meet certain detectable criteria e.g. lack of reputation or old-school SEO stuff like keyword stuffing a site.

Når du har tænkt dig godt om, så er det bare at forsøge sig frem. Implementér nogle af dine gode ideer på siderne og vent så til, du har fået tilstrækkelig med ny data ind til, at du kan drage nogle konklusioner. Hvis resultaterne er gode, så arbejd videre i samme retning. Hvis resultaterne ikke er så gode, så må du tilbage til den kreative proces og finde på bedre ideer.
Vi har hjulpet mange virksomheder med topplaceringer.

Vi har hjulpet mange virksomheder med topplaceringer.
