Bite elements from left to right:
- Fork/spoon
- Term
- Cup
- Plate cover with cork for heat isolation
- Plate with resistance
- Battery

“Bite” is a reinterpretation of an “urban nature” of conventional lunchbox, with the particularity of being heated in any place, thanks to a battery and a plate with an embedded resistance.

Contains a term (glass plus bottle), a fork-spoon, a plate heater and isolated its battery.It’s easy to handle, through simple plug-ins, by magnetism, and tension. The simplicity of the electrical system, is aim to use these kits workplaces and humanitarian missions, where power will heat them collectively or individually in their own heaters, connected to the mains.
Bite fully closed
Main body closed. Showing the four magnetic docks, as well as the electric dock for the battery.
Ceramic Plate with Resistance
Term/Cup closed
Term/Cup exploded. Fork is assembled inside the bottle, but not sharing the same space as the water.
Handmade Mockup for dimension visualization. 
Handmade Mockup for dimension visualization.
2010 Bite

2010 Bite

Project developed in the University
