Profil von My Name is Wendy Studio

art3 I 30 years

art3 30 Years
Direction : Sylvie Vojik
art3, a non-profit organisation, has developed a program of events related to experimental projects. Exhibitions are organised at art3 and elswhere with various partners. These exhibitions reflect the diversity of present day artistic creation. art3 assists artists during the creative process.
The residence abroad grants program, created by art3, focusing on research and production, continues within the framework of « Quatre moteurs » with Land of Bade-Wurtemberg, and also with Quebec – Optica, contemporary art centre located in Montreal, with Catalogne ( Homesession Barcelona) and the Turino based organisation a-titolo).
- Design & production : My Name is Wendy
In order to celebrate art3 30 years, the art center director wanted us to create an event that could reflect times lines within art3 : exhibitions, editions, productions, research, residences...
We proposed a series of 16 posters & an specific event :
1. The sale of posters through social networks in order to support art3.
2. The launch of the project Always want the space to reappear which was an invitation to the artists exhibited at art3. The artists sent pictures of billboards in the city (Madrid, New-York, Stuttgart, Montreal, etc…). and we moved the original picture and we "implanted" one of the 16 posters.
3. The launch of an urban exhibition of 16 posters in Valence. 
Posters are based on repeated graphic module. It's emergence of a shape in a process of duplicate, movement or proliferation until it is exhausted. There are insertions and delations with layers that create micro differences on the density and the transparency. This principle stages a "ghostly" module and create a temporality through the succession of areas/surfaces.
art3 I 30 years


art3 I 30 years

art3 I 30 years - Support Us At this occasion, we produce a series of posters made by the studio My Name is Wendy.
