mscompany agency's profile

Past, present and future

Past, present and future ...
ArtWork by : Vincenzo Paccone
past, present and future ... as a unitary concept, fusion of ideas, yesterday and tomorrow, try the encounter between the old and the new way of expressing art, as a form of visualism and interaction.
With a gutshot born from the need to generate new products, in a market saturated with the usual proposals.
And so, with the help of the "original construction" a way to see the internship as an artistic part of the integrated performance of the DJ -
Picsby : Valerio Natale
20 TV 20-inch, the magic of the low resolution, faded colors, a simple and functional design, embody the idea of the old generating the new, the TV images that create a ledwall able to excite. six TVs connected to a camera, and two distinct and crossed rows of seven generating various images.
The inserted video content was a key part of the installation. the tv-color and higher grounds were connected to a surveillance camera, which took over the performance of the DJ, the interiors were alternated to a PC with Modul8, with a continuous flow of vintage and retro videos, the remaining screens were connected to a VCR with a tampered tape in a continuous loop.
alternating were presented the biographies of the artists, with detailed altslaves fonts, font origiinale Commodore 64
Past, present and future

Past, present and future

Stage design for Nice To Be, with Len Faki using a 20 of 20 inch TV color
