At the start of 2016, we got the chance to work on the video for Ria Mae's latest song, "Gold". This short film-like video takes you on a journey through a tumultuous relationship filled with secrets, betrayal and double-crosses. The lyrics use the metaphor of drugs as a way to describe the intoxicating and addicting feeling of not being able to get over someone you love.  We wanted to manifest this visually by depicting gold hallucinations whenever Ria and her love interest (played by Gaby Henderson) are together during the flashback scenes. We went through a number of ideas for what the gold in the video would actually look like (blobs? Spirals? Smoke? Glitter?) until finally settling on the shimmering pieces in the final video. This video was written and directed by reactiv's own Alon Isocianu, with editorial & VFX provided by our team in-house. The above video is the Director's Cut.
Written & Directed by Alon Isocianu
Produced by Jason Aita
Director of Photography: Kris Belchevski

Executive Producers: Geoff McLean & Stacy Vaughan
Production Company: VISION FILM CO.
Edit & VFX: reactiv post
Edit: Alon Isocianu & Jacob Doforno
VFX: Alon Isocianu, Jacob Doforno, & Scott Mulligan
Post Producer: Alex Nursall
Post EP: Anna Junger

Colour: Clinton Homuth @ alter ego
Ria Mae - Gold

Ria Mae - Gold

music video for Ria Mae.
