
CATLENDAR is a creative initiative by Studio Magnane and Cher Ami, culminating in a unique advent calendar consisting of 
24 cat illustrations. Each image, unveiled daily on and our social media, represents a specific client project undertaken in 2022/2023.  The project was a six-month journey involving 15 creative souls. This collaboration was pivotal in merging diverse ideas and talents, highlighting the importance of teamwork in the creative process.

Artists employed techniques such as 3D, matte painting, and 2D illustration, showcasing a wide range of skills within the team.
Each cat illustrates a client project of the year, demonstrating the skillful integration of art into commercial applications.

Teamwork was the cornerstone of CATLENDAR, with each member making a crucial contribution. This project reinforced our belief that collaboration is key to success in creative endeavors.

The creation of and the strategic use of social media have been pivotal in elevating the CATLENDAR project. These digital avenues have not only showcased the artistic talents of our team but also highlighted our capacity to integrate art into a user-friendly digital experience. This dual approach has maximized the project's visibility and engagement, reaffirming the power of combining creative art with digital marketing strategies.

Behind the sauce

We're excited to share behind-the-scenes content, including screenshots from our planning stages on Miro, images of the basic cat template, and initial sketches. This provides a glimpse into our creative process, from conceptualization to final execution.



CATLENDAR is a creative initiative by Studio Magnane and Cher Ami, culminating in a unique advent calendar consisting of  24 cat illustrations. E Развернуть
