Nokia Presentations
Nokia - the cell phone manufacturer - makes a number of presentations a year. They make them to consumers when they launch a new product, as well as to wireless carriers where they introduce their upcoming devices and services.
In such a highly competitive industry, especially one where you’re competing with Apple - the master of presentations - Nokia wanted to explore updating their presentation style, and find a uniqueness that could channel the Nokia brand.
We started broad. We looked at Nokia’s brand, their DNA and their existing presentations. Then we conducted a competitive audit with companies like Apple, Google, Microsoft, many of the TED talks. We also reviewed a number of books, such as those written by Nancy Duarte and Garr Reynolds, for the theory behind presenting.
As a deliverable, we kept it conceptual. We got people excited by showing great examples (Jobs’ iPhone keynote), and what not to do (Sony’s Playstation 4 introduction). We then identified five key themes emergent across all great presentations that relate to consumer devices. Then we found the key theme: great presentations all embed theatrics and anticipation through a story. We demonstrated how story can be woven into all of Nokia’s products.

The strategy was very well received within Nokia. And as part of the process, I transformed my own presentation skills. And I have shared this presentation to others - including my colleagues.  


Nokia - the cell phone manufacturer - makes a number of presentations a year. They make them to consumers when they launch a new product, as well Развернуть
