Dan Matutinas profil

A Geometric Witch King

Photography by Bernice De Leon-Yumul

I made this piece for Gallery Nucleus' OUT OF THE SHIRE: A TRIBUTE EXHIBITION TO MIDDLE-EARTH. I was (and I still am) a very big fan of the Lord of the Rings franchise when I was in school, so when Nucleus asked me to be part of the tribute show I immediately said yes.

Here's the Witch King of Angmar in all his geometric glory. :) I worked with the boys (Edward & Jason) in this piece. The materials used were sintra, wood and acrylic. 

Some sketches and WIP of the sculpture. I wanted to incorporate my illustration style in the final piece. 
Dimensions: 14.5 x 13.5 x 8"
Materials: Wood, Sintra Board and Acrylic
Even in the sketching and conceptualization phase, I was very sure with how I wanted the piece to look.
A WIP. This is the initial form of the piece. The main parts are made of sintra board. The crown is acrylic.
I wanted the face to be hollow to make him a bit more menacing.
A Geometric Witch King

A Geometric Witch King

A geometric Witch King of Angmar sculptural piece.
