Images produced without manipulation (DSLR Camera, Canon). They are part of a project I undertook while in Poland (March 2015), visiting the cities of Warsaw and Lublin, and also participating in a congress sponsored by the Camões Institute and the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University (Linguagem Portuguesa: Unidade na Diversidade). These are works I photographed at the Muzeum Lubelskie and its chapel. Most of them are part of a temporary exhibition called "Against War" (from Majdanek's State Museum). Among the original titles are Hubert Borys' "Rampa" (1999), Maurice Pasternak's "Attraction 5" (1993), Jiří Anderle's "Soldier and Bride" (1980), Peter Zeiler's "Krieg" (1992).
The following quotations are useful: 
"The partition of Poland had been prepared in August, when the German and Soviet Foreign Ministers, Joachim von Ribbentrop and Vyacheslav Molotov, signed a non-aggression pact... Stalin's opportunistic collaboration [with Hitler] was underlined in the Red Army's simultaneous attack on Finland" (Matthew Gale).  
"Ich bin ein polnischer Edelmann pur sang, dem auch nicht ein Tropfen schlechtes Blut beigemischt ist, am wenigsten deutsches... als Pole bin ich ein ungeheurer Atavismus"(Nietzsche).
Muzeum Lubelskie