Role: Writer, Director and Producer

The Zamzam Project is a research based independent documentary film and book project, I worked on during 2009 - 2012.
Taking "All truth passes through three stages..." as the precedent, the project aimed to demonstrate the human psyche's prejudicial behavior towards new information that often contradicts or challenges one's established beliefs. This is due to the method of information processing within the human mind called the cognitive miser giving birth to the 175 cognitive biases. Regardless of intelligence, we tend to think and problem solve with minimum effort rather than in a more sophisticated time-consuming manner. Hence, at first, new information is ridiculed, secondly, it is violently opposed and thirdly, it is accepted as being self-evident.
The research aimed to explore and create an awareness of self-imposed barriers to receiving new and challenging information that contradicts one’s established beliefs and yet might open new horizons. While at the same time understand the challenges faced in conveying such information to others and how it will be processed and received. In turn, contributing to raising the level of awareness for effective communication.
An advanced level of research, writing, filming, editing, branding, designing, music production, team management/collaboration and so much more unexpected challenges blessed us all with an amazing learning experience of a lifetime.
This was a self-initiated 100% crowdsourced and crowd-funded project mostly working remotely with an international team. I also decided to specialise further in this aspect and proposed the project for a PhD at UCA Farnham campus in Surrey but unfortunately, we could not find a suitable supervisor at that time. Hash Milhan was one of the volunteers I had mentored for a few years, he was a student at UCA Maidstone, and he undertook the branding and design development aspect of the project for his Graphic Design Degree 3rd-year final major design project.
RE ACTION - Zamzam Projec Theme song
Lyrics - Emma Louise Edwards   I   Performed by – Kim Lone   I   Concept & Design – Zam Faiz
Logo Branding - ZamZam Project - Brand Identity and Architecture of the Logo
Branded stationary
Horizontal Wide Logo
Vertical Stacked Logo
Work in Progress
Set Design - ZamZam Project: The evolution and design process of the ZamZam Project set Design
CAD Drawing for Set Design
Digital Screen Testing
3D max Development
Set build
1st Trail Filming: Hash Milhan - University of Maidstone, Kent
Photo shoot: Hash Milhan - University of Maidstone, Kent
The Studio - Home of ZZP
Final Preparation - Pre Filming
Action - On Set
Red Carpet - Launch Shoot
The Team - working hard
The Team
Hash Milhan - University of Maidstone - Degree Show, Brick Lane, London
Trailer: Non Vocal
Opening Sequence - ZamZam Project
ZamZam Project

ZamZam Project
