MUJI // Editorial Design 

This project was an exercise in editorial layout. While I usually lean towards a bold design approach, I believe in the importance of context. This article was about the brand Muji, whose philosophy supports a minimalist lifestyle and reducing waste. It seemed appropriate that the layout of the article be modern and clean.

For type, I chose to use Avenir Light. Because I was trying to keep the design as simple as possible, I wanted to pick a type choice that could be used for both the body copy and headings. The openness and geometric style of Avenir really lent itself to this project. For my type treatment of the body copy I opened up the leading and kerning. This increased legibility and also leant itself to the aesthetic I was trying to achieve. I used accents of red and grey to compliment the standard of white and black. Even though I was trying to keep the overall design simple, I added the red to help create hierarchy and reflect the brand logo and identity.

