Sean Huang 님의 프로필think brand consultancy 님의 프로필


#shemeansbusiness is a global startup bootcamp initiated by Facebook headquarter, aiming to encouraging and celebrating the entrepreneurship of women. We were much inspired by “Liberty Leading the People” by Eugène Delacroix (1830). To echo the spirit of revolution, we took the symbolic image of woman’s waving flag and developed the campaign banner in Taiwan.
It was the first time for Facebook to held #shemeansbusiness in Taiwan. For its iconic reason, the host organization wanted a design that was based on Mandarin. We sketched the logotype in italic form that represented the wave of flag and the boldness of mind. To show the very elegance and  tenacity of women, we blend the standard color orange and pink beige, which we thought spoke for  female entrepreneurs.
client: shemeansbusiness / agency: think™


「女力新時代」是由美國Facebook總部所發起的以鼓勵女性創業家為主題的「#SheMeansBusiness」在台灣所舉辦的創業營隊活動,我們以這張法國大革命時的女性領導人所代表的劃時代畫作,把旗幟當作主視覺發展,來詮釋這樣革命性格的DNA,與這次的女力新時代活動做呼應。 這是第一次F 자세히 보기
