Profil Rush Olson

Scripts - Comedy, pie in the face II

Have I done work that involved a pie smashed in someone's face? Yes (see the DineOutCheap project on Behance). Was there collateral damage? Indeed there was. These scripts revolve around humor a little more directly applied than those in the "understated" category.

Incidentally, a pie to the kisser during a postgame interview seems to have developed into something of a baseball tradition.

Decade of Datelessness radio

At one time not that long ago, many considered Dallas Stars center Mike Modano the city’s most eligible bachelor. He had money, looks, glamour, and charisma. Surely he must have had more dates than he could count over the years, right? Well, as this spot for a ticket plan targeted at singles showed, he might not have had quite everything a girl could want.

Grazing TV

FANtastic Fireworks radio

A sports radio station sponsored a promotion, and with it came the opportunity to use on-air talent in the spot. One always looks for ways to extend the buzz of advertising beyond the copy itself. In this case, the play on words with one host’s name generated significant on-air chatter.

TCBTD – Office radio

An entertainment property has cachet because it represents an escape from dull reality. It doesn’t hurt to really emphasize that quality, as this spot (and its companions in the series) did.

Potomac Garage Solutions – Art radio

Potomac Garage Solutions can make a garage practical and pleasing to the eye at the same time. It’s an art AND a science.

Sonic Killer Bs radio

We needed something to help people remember to get the Brown Bag Special (and its on-bag offer) at their local Sonic Restaurants. Giving radio announcer Eric Nadel’s vocal chords a workout seemed the thing to do.

Scripts - Comedy, pie in the face II

Scripts - Comedy, pie in the face II

Scripts Humor Occasionally messy but wholesome Who writes this stuff? Rush Olson
