Jonas Liveröd

Client: Jonas Liveröd
Date: 2008, 2010
Assignment: Book Design, Publication
In collaboration with Swedish artist Jonas Liveröd, Re-public has designed the book "The Violence", as a part of the traveling exhibition "Oh, the smell of blood and Snow".

The book serves as a chamber for Jonas Liveröd’s thoughts, inspiration and work. A black-and-white tour de force through the artist’s alternating state of mind. The large format and mass stresses the content's dark and sometimes disturbing nature, and the primitive binding obliterates any notion of mitigating aesthetic contortions.

A the review says:

"The title of the exhibition sets the tone: Black humor and twisted Scandinavian psychedelia, taking a wrong turn. With the combination of large format drawings executed with an almost manic stroke, and various characters and objects adapted to the exhibition space, the artist seeks build an atmosphere of a violent tense energy and nerve. At the same time both attracting and repelling. An atmosphere, reminiscent of punk culture's powerful and restless energy."
Take a look at the book here.
Continuing our collaboration with Swedish artist Jonas Liveröd, Re-public was asked to design the exhibition program for three asociated art exhibitions at the Rogaland Art Center in Norway. The exhibitions are united under the name IDIODYSÉES, curated by Liveröd and feature the work of seven Norwigan artists.

The program is designed in the same visual style as Jonas Liveröds award-winning art book, "The Violence" designed by Re-public in 2008.
Jonas Liveröd

Jonas Liveröd

Client: Jonas Liveröd Date: 2008 Assignment: Book Design


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