This is a student project, made during my Type and Media time in The Royal Academy of Art, Den Haag. It was a first semester, when we had a lot of different subjects, among them programming. And programming was quite complicated for me, as my brain digests numbers not that well. So from time to time my computer turned into a torture place and I was tired and upset. Sometimes there was a revelation and I was happy and proud about the result.
Anyway, what I definitely figured out, was that the less time I spend programming on the computer, the better the result. The best way for me was to start sketching my code on paper, to understand the structure, and only then try in real life. So when a time came for a final project assignment, I had no doubts that a large part of it would be ‘paper programming’.
I wanted my programming assignment to be as much analogue as possible. The task was to create an alphabet in DrawBot. So I started sketching on paper, trying to figure out, how my letters should look like. 
Place all the pieces in the computer… 
And after several weeks I had a personal Text Editor, where I could set all I wanted in my own colourful letters!
However, I didn’t only want to start from paper, I also wanted to end on paper. So I decided to silk screen print my programming. I set the most important text of the year (letter of my acceptance to the University) in my Text Editor and started to get ready for printing! It was the first time I did silk screen printing, so it was even more exciting!!
13 posters in total, all on different paper. And here’s the result! Happy :-)


Putting together silk screen printing, programming ant lettering.


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