Sean Young's profile

O Tatanka, My Tatanka

O Tatanka, My Tatanka

    Alone in frozen fields of winter grass
    waiting to thaw
    Crisp winds deliver dead smell
    through nostrils crusted with
    icicles of old air and mucus

O Tatanka, My Tatanka

    Tired, broken
    waiting for the White Hunter
    the White Wolf
    the one who only comes
    for the skin
    and leaves your meat and bones
    to whither and decay

O Tatanka, My Tatanka

    When you are gone
    the Red Hunter will go hungry…

Remember the Red One?

    The one who prayed
    before stalking you?

    The one who, after killing you,
    wept and thanked the sky?

    The one who fed his children
    with the fruit of your meat?

    The one who covered his home
    with the tough warmth of your hide?

    The one who built his world
    with tools carved from your bones?

O Tatanka, My Tatanka

    Give my love
    the heart of
    the Red Hunter

    Let my love
    lie next to me
    with a prayer before the kiss

    Tell my love
    to weep and thank the sky
    after I die in her

    Show my love
    how to feed her children
    with the fruit of my meat

    Bless my love
    so she may cover
    her house with the warmth of my skin

    Inspire my love
    to build her world
    with the tools of my bones.

O Tatanka, My Tatanka

    Tell my love and all of the world:

Love is like the sun,
be like the moon
and fall into it
in the morning

After all,
“The proof of the sun
is the sun
If you require proof,
Do not turn away.”

Note: Project cover art by "I Love Grey Skies" and can be purchased at Etsy:
O Tatanka, My Tatanka

O Tatanka, My Tatanka



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