-  P U R E   L A N D -
Buddhist Contemporary Art Gallery
“The Buddha said to Ananda… All these jewel trees have flowers and leaves made of the seven types of jewels. 
Each individual flower or leaf form jewels of different colors. The aquamarine beryl color emits from within a gold colored jewel. 

The rock-crystal color emits from within a crimson colored jewel. The cornelian color emits from a white shell jewel. And so on.  Coral, amber, white shell, pearl, cornelian, beryl. Exquisite pearl veils are hung over the trees. Each individual tree has seven layers of veils. Between each veil are small palaces made of flowers with Bodhisattvas studying and meditating within them. 
Each Bodhisattva wears exquisite jewelry which reflects golden light. 

The jewel trees are spaced in even rows, evenly spaced. Between the leaves bloom exquisite flowers, and the flowers bear fruit made of the seven jewels. 

These leaves have a thousand colors and a hundred kinds of patterns. 
The fruits are shaped like Indra’s vase and they give off a radiant light that turns into banners and celestial canopies as the light moves away from the tree.
 P R O C E S S
R E D  A U R A
G R A Y   S C A L E
A M I T A B H A   B U D D H A
-B u d d h a   J i g o ng- 
Artwork for temple in Taiwan
P R O C E S S 
T h a n k s   f o r   y o u r   t i m e
Pure Land Amitabha


Pure Land Amitabha

Artworks for Gallery of Contemporary Buddhist Art and Buddha´s Jigong temple in Taiwan.
