Windset Farms Ads
Print and online ads for the premium produce brand based in Delta, BC.
Windset Farms full page ad for the Food focused At the Table magazine.
Creative Direction: Tugboat Group
Art Direction/Design: Chris Young
Windset Farms is one of North America’s premier greenhouse growers, based out of Delta, BC. Windset is known as an industry leader in simple, clean design. These ads carry on Windset Farms’ design aesthetic, which stand out against their competitors ads when they appear in trade magazines, establishing them as a premium produce brand. This sample of ads range from grocery/produce trade magazines to newspaper and online ads.
Windset Farms Grocer Today magazine ad, a produce trade magazine.
Windset Farms Fresh Impact magazine ad, for a produce trade magazine.
Windset Farms Delta Optimist newspaper ad.
Page-wrap ad for, an industry focused news website.
Accompanying ad for
Windset Farms Ads


Windset Farms Ads

Print and online ads for the premium produce brand based in Delta, BC.
