The Selfie-Booth
Building a photo booth and deploying it at a wedding party in Berlin

I made a photo booth using a GoPro camera, some LED lights and a door bell. The "Selfie-Booth" was made
in the days leading up to our friends' wedding and became an instant hit among the guests. The photo booth
was busy all evening (10 hours straight) capturing hundreds of images, with the supplied costumes and
props used extensively from beginning to end.

Concept / Design / Engineering / Photography: Lars Brandt Stisen
Assistant: Mette Beate
Location props: Bianca Schnellbacher / Isabella Maimone
The finished Selfie-Booth in action with its illuminated button and sparkling lights. The photo booth
contains a set of timer and relay circuits that are setting events in carefully timed sequence to reproduce
the feel of a classic photo contraption (view animation further down).
Drilling holes and gluing wallpaper onto the housing.
Designing, printing and cutting decorative elements. My girlfriend and assistant Mette helping out
cutting and sewing diffuser elements for the LED lights.
Soldering tiny wires under loupe and creating the main circuit board with timers and relays. Making an
electromagnetic trigger (totally oldschool) and modifying the acoustic signals generator (door bell).
Meanwhile our part time studio-doggy Cash is asking Mette for treats.
A look inside the finished prototype. The Selfie-Booth sports a 12MP camera with a 14mm/f2.8 lens element
(GoPro HERO3+ Black Ed.) and memory for approx. 10.000 exposures. The small sensor size results in a
higher depth of field than you would expect from a DSLR for example, hence the sharp images at f2.8 (see
image examples further down).
WiFi for instant web publishing, shielding, tidy wiring and additional circuits for enhanced functionality will
be ready for the next version. Enhancements will include integrating a tablet PC and writing custom software
to add filters with preview and online publishing options.
All that remains now is pressing the button...
Images from the Selfie-Booth:
Animation showing the timed sequence in high-speed (pressing the button repeatedly
is ignored to prevent interruption of a running sequence).
To my great contentment the original images from camera looks so good that finalizing adjustments
becomes trivial.
And last but not least a "Selfie-Booth selfie" (hehehe...)

— By the way, I think I'll just let the machine do the work on my next
photography assignment, while I sip a coffee in the corner :D
Thank you for watching!
The Selfie-Booth

The Selfie-Booth

I made a photo booth for our friends' wedding in Berlin Germany using a GoPro camera, some LED lights and a door bell...


Kreative områder