OPPO Find N3 Flip pet wallpaper

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这是我们团队为OPPO Find N3 Flip 首发制作的一系列交互动画。感谢品牌方的认可,也感谢小牌科技邀请,大家相互配合完成了这个项目,一次非常愉快的合作!N3 Flip  是一款折叠屏旗舰手机,其背面装备了一块精致的小屏幕,被官方称为"任意窗"。这块小屏幕的功能远远不止于查看时间和阅读短信。 客户希望通过这块屏幕与用户产生情感上的互动。 我们基于客户的萌宠系列IP设定,量身定制了数十种交互动画,涵盖了吃饭、睡觉、玩耍、锻炼、发呆、拍照等多种场景。这些情景动画会在特定模式下或用户的点击中触发,为用户带来更加丰富、有趣的使用体验。

This is a series of  interactive animations  created by our team for the OPPO Find N3 Flip debut. The N3 Flip is a flagship  foldable phone  equipped  with  a small,  delicate  screen o n the back, dubbed the "Any window" by the brand, through which  customers want to have an emotional  interaction  with  users. Therefore, we have tailored dozens of interactive animations, covering various scenes such  as  eating, sleeping, playing, exercising, dazing, and taking photos. These situational  animations  will be triggered in a specific mode or at the user's click, bringing a richer and more interesting user experience.

OPPO Find N3 Flip pet wallpaper

Project gemaakt voor

OPPO Find N3 Flip pet wallpaper
