Moorland, Pt. V
[January, 2024]
Melancholie sei das widersprüchliche Empfinden, ein anderes Leben zu verspüren, habe ich einmal gelesen; und fürchte gerade weil dahinstehen kann, um welch eines es sich handeln könnte, wenn nicht eines der Längstzurückgelassenen; oder gar der diffusesten - den unzähligen Niedagewesenen.
[2024/03/08, Ein Bild vor Augen]

As Spring seems to have arrived, it's probably time to publish the remaining series of last winter I had prepared in February just before I left for a month long trip along the coast. So, this is a place you might recognize from my previous uploads, only this time with a crazy amount of hoarfrost. Needless to say that it was quite pleasant to explore it under these circumstances!

2024/03/25, listening to 'The Lost' by Pleq

Pt. I | Pt. II | Pt. III | Pt. IV | Pt. V
Moorland, Pt. V

Moorland, Pt. V
