Profil The WanderingSoul

Tage wie der Himmel (Hoarfrost, Pt. II)

Tage wie der Himmel
(Hoarfrost, Pt. II)
[January, 2024]
Wie muss ein Mensch leben und träumen, dass der erste Gedanke, den in ereilt, wie er spät in der Nacht aus dem Schlaf gerissen wird, jener ist, noch im Leben keinem begegnet zu sein, mit dem selbst ein Hauch von Verbundenheit nie im Bereich des Möglichen gelegen hätte?
[2024/01/28, Welches, wenn nicht das Ungelebte?]

A few weeks ago, I decided to give this place a second try since the weather brought hoarfrost in a huge amount. If you're aware of my art, you might remember some of these trees from the series 'A Glimpse of Winter, Pt. V'. Furthermore, about 771 days in the past I'd captured the same self-portrait at that lovely hut, back then published in 'This Place Is A Shelter'. Sometimes, it almost feels as if time would only go by for the ones around me. Anyway, I really has been a pleasure to start at the bottom of that mountain, and then slowly getting up higher and higher, and to photograph everything along the track. Only this time, not knee-deep snow but hoarfrost.

2024/01/29, listening to 'Inet Forbi' by Jacob David

It Is Could Outside (Hoarfrost)
Pt. I | Pt. II | Pt. III | Pt. IV
(probably my favourite of this series)
Tage wie der Himmel (Hoarfrost, Pt. II)

Tage wie der Himmel (Hoarfrost, Pt. II)
