And / Ors profil

This is a Generic Brand Video

In February 2014, Kendra published a humor piece on McSweeney’s Internet Tendency called “This is a Generic Brand Video.” It got a little bit of attention, which was cool! But not as cool as what happened a few weeks later when the enterprising folks at Dissolve asked her if they could make the piece into a real video with voice over artist Dallas McClain and their own stock video clips. The video blew up and was passed around the Internet at a feverish pace for about a week, garnering press and praise from AdWeek, Fast Co, Creative Review, Time, Gawker, Brand New, and PSFK, among others.
After Vimeo made it a staff pick, Buzzfeed made a list about it, and Jerry Saltz tweeted about it, Kendra ran up the steps of the Philadelphia Museum of Art and raised her arms in the air. 
This is a Generic Brand Video

This is a Generic Brand Video

Humor writing / Viral video / Internet stardom
