Springpoint Group

An owner's representation firm aiding in building high-end residential and commercial projects worldwide.
Representing Owners, First.

Springpoint Group provides support to its owners at every step of the way, fostering growth and establishing trust by defining their needs throughout the process. Focused on immersive owner’s representation—with tight financial control and focus, they ensure positive outcomes and provide value. They affect the projects positively by being integrated into every step of the journey.

Ahead of their 15th anniversary, partners Steve Rosenberg and Tom Catalano approached Mast to help them create a new identity for this established company. We worked closely with them to develop an identity that better aligned with their goals and approach and provided the level of established trust they garnered with their clients.

The result was an identity that established the legacy and history of the company—paying homage to their past experience while focusing on the difference that young leadership brings.

Website: Kinetic Studio
Starting with one project in Marin, California 2008, Springpoint Group has represented hundreds of owners in building high-end residential and commercial projects worldwide.

On their 15th anniversary, partners Steve Rosenberg and Tom Catalano changed the company name from Whiteside Management (named after the founding partner) to better align with the collaborative approach they provide. With our help, they landed on the name Springpoint Group, symbolizing a bold and strong starting point rooted in architecture.
The name itself comes from the starting point of an arch, the spring point; we also used this as a starting point for our symbol work. Resulting in a solid symbol that establishes a strong and direct connection to the name while showcasing their work’s collaborative nature.
When looking at historical arch forms, we noticed that there were often instances when there were multiple arches in line. Both teams attached themselves to the metaphor of the perspective providing forward movement. Showcasing the complete process and growth Springpoint delivers to their clients.
I feel lucky that we found Studio Mast. What was most impressive with Travis and the team was their patience and perseverance as they worked with us during our long rebranding process. We explored a tremendous amount of names and each presentation was as thoughtful, coherent, and innovative as the last. Once we locked in on a name, the speed at which Studio Mast delivered us a cohesive brand identity was remarkable. The standards package they gave us will be a trusted tool in our company for years to come. Partnering with Travis was one of the better business decisions I've made!

Steve Rosenberg
With the rebrand coinciding with the opening of their New York offices, we worked with the Springpoint team to conceptualize out-of-home touchpoints for the brand. We developed a suite of solid touchpoints using the simplified grids found in the printed collateral—forging the feeling of a strong brand that has been around for years. This no-nonsense visual approach was combined with a sharp, direct copy strategy to drive the point home.
With the website, we wanted to create an immersive showcase of their work. A digital portfolio that would wow potential clients and employees alike. Something that would be as refined and beautiful as the work itself—while not standing in the way of the beautiful imagery of each project. Leading the viewer through their process, ethos, portfolio, and team effortlessly.

When creating the website, we saw a unique need for a suite of icons to help break up the copy and provide strong visuals for each of their unique services. Taking inspiration from the cuts within the symbol, we developed a set of icons that directly connect to the symbol while establishing a personality all their own.

These icons then broke out of the digital world and made their way into the physical collateral suite.
Springpoint Group
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Springpoint Group

An owner's representation firm aiding in building high-end residential and commercial projects worldwide.

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