The WanderingSoul's profile

The Mountains Are Calling (Snowmelt)

Landscape Photography
The Mountains Are Calling
(Spring, 2023)
Sometimes I wondered if the beauty of the mountains lays within the wind. Being in solitude, all alone in this rugged, and often harsh landscape, it is nothing but the sound of wind that accompanies. It feels different. The wind blowing through vast valleys, and along those giant mountains. In certain moments, it even travelled the sound of civilisation from a great distance. And after a while, I realized that the distance of two souls is not less than the distance of hours of walking. If anything, one of it will remain. So, whenever I returned into society, I felt safe for a moment, but also distant, and restless again. Only in the mountains, my soul was at ease. Only in the mountains, loneliness let go. It may take time, but these mountains didn’t arise instantly either.
[2022/09/14, Among Mountains]

In spring, I went into the mountains instead of travelling another coast again. I hadn’t planned much, but mostly wanted to get a rest of loneliness. I have been to this area before numerous times, but never this time of the year. Unfortunately, the most of the mountain passes still were closed. On the other hand, it was a possibility to take my time, focus more on what is possible, and to get the best of these few opportunities. During the first days, it was surprisingly warm and sunny, but a few days later it got colder again as I prefer it the most. The remaining snow looked beautiful, and I was amazed by the structure it made visible. I had no snowshoe or skier, but tried my best when crossing one or the other snow field. It is surprisingly exhausting (and kind of intimidating) when sinking in deep with every step, I can tell that.

Once again, I was both as surprised as amazed how easy it sometimes is to be just on your own. Hiking up a closed mountain pass, or climbing a rocky hill is just enough to get the feeling of being the last one on earth. Therefore, I really had a good time; and as my trip ended, I realized I should have never left – if only summer wouldn’t have come.

2023/06/18, listening to Sigur Ros
(probably almost perfection, I guess)
(self-portrait; footprints are mine)
(I hadn't expected spring to be that colorful; it almost looked like autumn)
(results of an off-trail hike; way steeper and isolated than expected)
(as snowfalls returned)
The Mountains Are Calling (Snowmelt)

The Mountains Are Calling (Snowmelt)
