The WanderingSoul's profile

A Hut In The Mountains, Pt. II

Landscape Photography
A Hut In The Mountains, Pt. II
[Three Days on Location, 2022]
As paths turned to rivers (endless rain)
Wem schreibst Du, wenn Du nachts nicht schlafen kannst? Wenn außer Dir niemand mehr wach ist und Du auch tags niemanden kennst, der Deine Gedanken lesen wollte? Du, der Du hier alleine wachliegst, weit nach Mitternacht, an einem Ort, an dem kein Licht und niemand sonst ist (...).
[2022/10/17, Insomnia]

Two years after my previous series about this well-known place, I had the chance to visit and photograph it again last autumn. This time, I wanted to focus more on the higher grounds around, and was lucky to do so twice. The weather was bad during almost the whole travel, but my time on this location was one of the best. As many people stop there and have a walk, when hiking up it gets surprisingly quite again. Furthermore, I was surprised how little effort it took – no matter of the muddy trails – to get a nice and different perspective from above. It almost felt like a bird’s eye view. The other day, I skipped trails completely and hiked only across country with nothing but a few deer around. It made me wondering how many different viewpoints must be in this area, given all these relatively easily accessible mountains aside to the pass.

Anyway, these images have been partially sorted according to the daytime. I guess, it doesn’t happen very often to actually witness some light in the hut, and it was likely due to an upcoming painting work.


A Hut In The Mountains
Pt. I (2020) | Pt. II (2022)
A Hut In The Mountains, Pt. II

A Hut In The Mountains, Pt. II
