The WanderingSoul's profile

Autumn Up North, Pt. III (Highlands)

Autumn Up North, Pt. III (Highlands)
[Two Months of Landscape Photography, 2022]
(...) Und weil ich wusste, dass es niemals besser werden würde, malte ich mir aus, dass ich nicht nach unten, sondern oben, zurück zum Grat wanderte. Dass ich, erst dort angelangt, die Arme höbe und mich, dem Falken gleich, hineinfallen ließe, um zu sehen, wohin mich der Sturmwind trägt. Vielleicht ja sogar noch weiter hinauf, immer weiter und weiter, weil mir, erst einmal in der Luft, selbst dieser Berg zu nieder, alles Land darunter zu nah erschiene.
[2022/10/05, Auf schmalem Grat]

In addition to the previously published Part III of my 'Autumn Up North' series, this is now its main content, presenting the remaining photographs of this particular travel. It shows mainly highlands, mountains, and a few other regions close by. As written before, it has been a nice but also tough travel due to the difficult weather with lots of stormy winds, overcasted skies and especially many days of endless rain. I’m also looking forward to upload two other series, featuring two different locations, already shown here but with more images since the light was quite awesome. So, if anything, these images are mainly the result of effort, a portion of luck, and solitude.

Looking back, I’m once again surprised how easy it is to be on your own, and don’t mind it. I spent my days with walks and hiking, reading and writing, and photography of course. I talked to others only rarely, and was fine with it. Sometimes I think Maslow was wrong. If the ones you met in your life never have been worth it, it’s not that difficult to substitute, and find peace in your own thoughts, and writing. At least as long as you’re doing what you like: Traveling, and photography.


Autumn Up North
Pt. I (2019) | Pt. II (2020) | Pt. III (Coast, Highlands)
(I might publish a series regarding this place and day later on)
(One of my favourites from this year)
(Full series of this place and day will follow later on)
(If you look closely enough you will spot the blurred silhouette of some deer on the small hill below the hut)
(One of my favourites from this year)
Autumn Up North, Pt. III (Highlands)

Autumn Up North, Pt. III (Highlands)
