In the heights of tabloid publication, we found ourselves looking for the page that comprised our star signs, wondering what the page had to say about our particular traits that week. As gratifying as it is to know that our traits are more common than we think, there’s a part of us that craves to be unique, different from the rest of the population.

This cultural phenomenon that defines us as a civilization is made impactful with the existence of publication. “Stargazine” is a nod to the heights of publication and designers’ response to the day-to-day human commotion of star sign readings in tabloid publications.

Each poster in this tabloid is primarily crafted by a graphic designer of the same star sign respective to its page, then with our collective interpretation of every star sign. It has become an internal reflection expressed personally by each designer, and an external reflection on specific attributes of different signs we collectively see to be oddly accurate in our surroundings.

©Thinking Room 2022
All rights reserved

Creative Direction Eric Widjaja
Art Director Ritter Willy Putra, Ira Carella, Bram Patria Yoshugi
Design Leonardo Laurensius, Clifford Caleb, Eva Mega Astria, Kezia Josephine, Pierre Ang, Miko Awangyudha, Tasya Darmawan, Caroline Marta, Sandika Bagja Pinasti, Olivia Angelina, Auli Tamma
Writer Sasqia Pristia

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