Profil von The WanderingSoul

A Summer Beneath The Trees, Pt. V

A Summer Beneath The Trees, Pt. V
[A Chestnut Avenue at Sunrise]
Touched By Rays Of The Sun
Kennst Du das, wenn man das Gefühl hat, dass man sich das Leben eigentlich ganz anders vorgestellt hatte, aber das schon so lange her ist, dass man gar nicht mehr weiß, wie? (...) Und manchmal da glaube ich, dass ich noch immer nicht verstanden habe, dass es tatsächlich meines ist. So, als müsste ich mich davon distanzieren. Vielleicht, weil es weh tut; vielleicht, weil es anders noch unerträglicher wäre.
[2022/06/11, Jedes Leben]

I’m aware of this particular chestnut-lined avenue for a few years now. On previous visits, the light was also nice and the chestnut more bloomy but the wind had always prevented the perfection I was looking forward, and tried to capture. This time, the fields around were covered in light mist. I slept nearby, approached the spot around 4 a.m. and as the sun finally rose, this unbelievable type of light happened. I stood directly in front of these sun rays, baffled as amazed. I guess, I will never see more beautiful light at this place again. It truly was awesome, and these images has not been faked. In fact, I turned the white balance in post-processing even slightly below daylight to make the golden colouring less intense.

If you like this concept of a walk-through of different tree avenues in summer, see the links below. I started this series last year, and decided to continue it now.


A Summer Beneath The Trees
Pt. I | Pt. II | Pt. III | Pt. IV | Pt. V
A Summer Beneath The Trees, Pt. V

A Summer Beneath The Trees, Pt. V
