Profiel van The WanderingSoul

Spring Travels, Pt. II (The Coast)

Landscape Photography
Spring Travels, Pt. II
(The Coast)
Sea of Worry
Ich schreibe in die Ferne, ein wenig gleich der scheinbar endlos langen Nachtfahrten, auf denen ich manchmal, um mir ein wenig die Zeit zu vertreiben, nicht ganz alleine darin zu sein, tausende Gedanken und Worte hinein ins Unbekannte richte. Ehrlich gesagt, es ist eine solche Fahrt. (...) Ich lege mich selbst hinein, in diese Worte, und weiß doch, dass ich schon verloren habe. Nicht mich, sondern nur alles, was außerhalb von mir liegt. Ich habe nicht verloren, weil es mir nicht gelingen würde, sondern eben, weil es das tut; und am Ende noch immer nur ich selbst darin bin.
[2022/05/11, Gedanken an M]

In April, I left for a travel, mainly focusing on the coast, and forests in spring later on. Being on the road for about a month and a half, all on your own for nothing but photography, always is a certain experience. I visited dozens of places, sometimes was able to photograph, and often not at all. I met a few people, but mainly sticked to myself, wrote a few letters, or just talked in my mind. As nice as it could be to go from place to place, not even time for sleep, hopefully witnessing sunset as sunrise wherever you want and need them, I still enjoy the concept of staying hours or days on the same place. I still think one of the limiting circumstances of this kind of travel is that often there is someone around, arriving or leaving. If you’re lucky, you find a place to photograph where rarely someone else shows up. Fortunately, at least during the moments of photography, I was often alone, no matter how known and usually well visited these places seem. Frankly, at times I remembered a relationship I once was in. Nonetheless, I often had the feeling, when looking onto others, it might be nothing but a never-ending cycle. Sometimes, I even wondered what could be wrong with those always traveling in company; but for sure I do feel lonely when I'm back home. But still, my heart beats for almost every lonesome stranger which is out there, no need to talk, just a sense of sharing deep respect, understanding the need for space, and quietness.


Spring Travels
Spring Travels, Pt. II (The Coast)

Spring Travels, Pt. II (The Coast)
