Profil appartenant à Elia Pellegrini

Pleonastic Dimensions

Art 3D

P   L   E   O   N   A   S   T   I   C          D   I   M   E   N   S   I   O   N   S

This is the seried dedicated to the secrets entities of Kairos Universe

Each dimension is responsible for a special temporal channel that joins at the same time, creating a network between dimensions and concepts that govern the vast and particular world of Kairos
The word “Dimension” means level of freedom, this new series concerns precisely the different states of access to reality.


N E O   K L E O S   -   D I M E N S I O N   O F
C R E A T I V E   R E P E T I T I O N

This first piece represents the emblem of nature's majestic ability to create new essences starting from universal constants. The mathematical model of reaction - diffusion is what visually best describes this concept of new creation.

P H Y S I S   -   D I M E N S I O N   O F
L I F E ' S   B R E A T H E

This dimension is dedicated to the universal study and research of physics that control every single world in this multiverse, from the simplest to the most complex laws, mysterious and yet to be discovered. Specifically this illustration is about the importance of the initial stage of everything, ready to evolve, and of the importance of nature itself, clean and uncontaminated.

A L E T H E I A   -   D I M E N S I O N   O F
L I Q U I D   P E R C E P T I O N

This dimension is dedicated to the fluid capacity of natural becoming that permeates the entire universe. A dimension that shapes the thinking of sentient beings so that they are ready for free will, for pure choice, for freedom of Inter-dimensional movement.

A U T A R K E I A   -   D I M E N S I O N   O F
E T E R N A L   C Y C L E

This Dimension is the last piece of the Pleonastic Dimensions series and is responsible for the maintenance and existence of the eternal cycle that regulates destruction and regeneration. A fundamental system for every existence in any universe. In particular, in Kairos, this dimension also acts as a random stimulator at a microscopic level in order to alter the foundations of matter (only in certain specific cases that can allow it) to the point of giving life to new entities in a constant way over time.

P L E K T A   -   D I M E N S I O N   O F
M A T T E R   M A N I P U L A T I O N

This illustration concerns the dimension of manipulable matter, the matter that is shaped by ancient gravitational forces to obtain innumerable variations of it, leading to the creation of the macroscopic reality we experience. This dimension is infiltrated into other microscopic, imperceptible and silent dimensions.

T   A   I   M   A   -   T h e   F i r s t   P l a n e t

D    E    T    A    I    L    S

P    A    S    S    E    S

Pleonastic Dimensions
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Pleonastic Dimensions

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