This Place Is A Shelter
[A Glimpse of Winter, Pt. I]
This Is My House, This Is My Home (title by 'We Were Promised Jetpacks')
Unterwegs in der Ferne beneide ich die anderen, dass sie hier zuhause sind. Nicht dafür, dass sie es hier sind, sondern dass sie es überhaupt irgendwo sind. Zurückkehren kann ich auch, wieder und wieder, nur wartet dort nichts auf mich. Selten will ich wirklich fort; und kann doch nicht bleiben. Selbst das Sprechen habe ich aufgegeben in der kindlichen Hoffnung mit dem Versiegen der Worte vielleicht ebenso aufzuhören. Das, was bleibt, ist einzig, was ich mir selbst zu erschaffen vermag. Doch nichts davon scheint länger als einen Augenblick zu überdauern.

Already a few days ago, winter finally showed up. I realized nothing's waiting for me at home, and therefore decided to give it a try and visit a few places. This particular location, I found by random in early November. Back then, I was wandering around, trying to find some interesting spots in the woods. Even not being far from civilization, I hadn't seen someone for hours. Everything was covered up in thick fog, and it was cold and windy. I was tired, feeling lonely, set down in a little shelter nearby to have a nap. Then, I continued and found this little area. It instantly felt different to be there. These trees are located between a conifer forest and therefore unique. I had the feeling of entering a secret, and walked patiently as carefully. A few weeks later, now winter, I gave it another try.

I'm aware that these pictures are not that special, nor may this forest be. But I do believe that there is something in it, no matter how difficult to capture. After a while of trying, I took shelter at this wooden hut, stood there and gazed silently into the snowy forest around. It was a brief moment of rest, kind of describing what I feel since a few years. This loneliness sometimes feels as if you understood something you can't even find words for. But it is there, without any doubt. A strong sensation, neither good nor bad. I think it lets you become silent, looking inward more and more, feeling distant to your surroundings. I wish that I stayed there forever.

I may publish further collections under the name of 'A Glimpse of Winter', featuring different places and the work of this winter. The series from last and earlier this year can be seen in 'Homeless Landscape Photography in Winter'.


A Glimpse of Winter, Pt. I | Pt. II | Pt. III
This Place Is A Shelter

This Place Is A Shelter
