15 Bodegas - Website

Historical wineries 
in the digital environment​​​​​​​


The Raventós-Codorníu Group has been producing wines for over five hundred years, which makes it one of the oldest wine growing companies in the world. The group has fifteen wineries —with Codorníu as its flagship—, bringing together hundreds of brands of wines and cava. After the 2020 lockdowns, Raventós-Codorníu took on the challenge unifying its different wineries into a single business, with the aim of fostering internationalisation.  


Within its direct-to-consumer strategy, Raventós-Codorníu was in need of a new business centralising all its products and services through a unified digital ecosystem, giving special priority to those that could only be offered by the manufacturer: special packs, winery visits, wine and gastronomic experiences, etc. 


We chose to develop an experiential solution, offering users the opportunity to join a community where they could experience wine and cava, get to know the professionals behind the winemaking process and enjoy the history of century-old brands. 15bodegas.com is a direct-to-consumer website designed to improve the purchasing experience by making it faster, simpler and more efficient and providing a clean, functional, customizable design. Just like a sommelier would do in a physical shop or restaurant, the site offers wine lovers a great showcase of products with personalised recommendations.

15 Bodegas brings the past and the future together into a single experience aimed at turning consumers into authentic brand lovers. A complete, experiential product and service offering around the world of wineries. 

15 Bodegas - Website

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15 Bodegas - Website

Good Rebels proposition for 15 Bodegas is an experiential website that brings the past and the future together with the aim of turning consumers Se mer
