Ordinary Summer Days
A Thousand Sunsets On My Own
Gemeinsam durch die Nacht fahren, immer weiter und weiter (...) Schließlich, fast überrascht, gleich ob nun nach Stunden oder Tagen, in der Ferne im Unbekannten ankommen. Ein kleines Häuschen am See, Sommernachtswind im Schilf und den großen Weiden dahinter, letzte Sterne darüber. Und der Nebel, der still zwischen Wiesen und Rehen schläft, während die Nacht langsam ein Ende zu finden scheint. In der Morgendämmerung, die zaghaft den Himmel hinaufwandert, ein letzter Hauch von Gedanken und Träumen.
[2020/08/18, Mitte Ende August]

It was back in 2017 when I had the chance to go on a little trip, and stay in a beautiful house by the lake my parents had rented. I skipped the chance; my gf had left a few weeks earlier and I had been to the UK just before. Since then, I often wondered about how it must be to do this little but nice trip in summer by someone's side. Then, in 2020, I finally went into this particular area. It was 11 years after my first visit. I had started to photograph back then. I was still alone, and decided to find some rest from loneliness, and maybe do just a little bit of photography. The landscape around was more of a simple way, but yet beautiful. I still remember vividly leaving the house around 3 am., and driving to another location. Deserted streets, and always accompanied by some great music only (thanks to Jon Hopkins, and Biv). Recently, about one year later and still all on my own, I went there again. This time, I was looking forward to photograph just a few places but wanted to capture these particular ones with passion. I wish I would have ever had the chance to travel in a relationship, especially in terms of summer, but enjoyed the trip anyways. These ordinary days were filled with photography, mostly during sunrise and sunset (I often slept only a few hours in-between), reading, little walks, cycling, swimming in a beautiful lake I’d found, or quietly observing dozens of deer and hare.

Long story short, these are some of the results of 2020/21. Kind of a typical, calm summer near the coast. Captured during a time of little over two weeks (including projects regarding treescapes).


Ordinary Summer Days, Pt. I | Pt. II
(see more of this place in 'A Summer Beneath The Trees, Pt. II' if you like)
(see more of this place in 'A Summer Beneath The Trees, Pt. III' if you like)
(a project regarding different tree avenues in summer may follow later on)
Alleine zur Tür hinaus, den Schotterweg hinauf, drehe ich mich noch einmal um – die zwei Häuser mit ihren Reetdächern, daneben, im späten Abendlicht, über frisch gemähten Wiesen ein Schwarm Mücken. Auf dem Plattenweg nach wenigen hundert Metern rechts das Meer, links daneben der See, am Ufer etwas Schilf im Wind. Darüber die Sonne, die orange und knapp über den Hügeln steht. Ich nehme Abschied, nur wovon weiß ich nicht. Von mir, oder doch diesem Ort, an dem ich mich, wenn auch alleine, für kurze Zeit zuhause fühlte? Abschied, was für ein großes, niemals zu fassendes Wort. Ich frage mich: Was macht das mit einem einzelnen Menschen, der all die Jahre von anderen umgeben gewesen ist, die genau das nicht waren – alleine?
Ordinary Summer Days

Ordinary Summer Days
