Could producing photography or illustration solely for the static printed page be a thing of the past?
Perhaps not now- but possibly in the future. Photography & illustration are increasingly shared with time-based publishing mediums such as the internet, iPads, iPhones and the rest of the endless growing market of tablet devices and smart phones.
Time based media is nothing new, animated giffs, flash movies and animation have been around forever, but are we reaching a time when photographers and illustrators should be pre-planning their work to suit a variety of different media?
Having worked for various different magazines on all the different roles- designer, photographer, art ed, app designer and mac monkey- I've found the teams increasingly looking to source and deliver artwork in a variety of forms.
In my experience, some of the roles I worked on came with a limited amount of freedom, and complete creative control from scratch is a rare luxury. So - when I recieved a rare commission to produce a fashion illustration/photoshop tutorial, and a friend of mine agreed to do the modelling (thanks Fatima Haque)- this self-initiated evening project to create static and motion photo illustration was underway.
Miss Haque

Miss Haque

This project set out to produce a series of fashion illustrations designed for a mixture of publishing mediums. Photography & illustration is rar 阅读更多内容
