Originally, I wanted the cast to appear and look like they're from a renaissance painting so they're supposed to oil painted and then transition into their original photos.
The character pages originally had a sort of painted like quality to them, as well as fully animated draping capes / cloth to hold the information / interface. These were rendered by our team on post but I'm not sure if it made the final cut.
This was the original studies for the painted look for the profile pages. We didn't continue with it due to unfortunate lack of time from the illustration team.
I pieced together parts from ornate armours, ships, muskets, rifles, knives, drapery, etc to create the centrepiece and some of the interface - which I thought was overkill but then again to me, it looked like it could have existed within that style.
The Three Musketeers
Client: Sony Pictures
Agency: Trigger
These were my original Art Direction and interface design for Sony Pictures' The Three Musketeers. My initial ideas were inspired from the very ornate sometimes anachronistic design of the costumes and the entire production. I decided to continue that look on the website to sort of frame the visuals of the film.
The Three Musketeers

The Three Musketeers

Original Art Direction and Web Design work for Sony Pictures' The Three Musketeers
