Profilo di The WanderingSoul

Landscape Photography of the Year 2018 (Autumn)

Landscape Photography
Landscape Photography of the Year 2018
(Autumn / 84 Days & Nights / 7.515 Miles)
"Runaway, make friends with the moon" (LiL PEEP - Life is beautiful)
Noch während ich reise – einige Wochen hinter mir, wenige weitere vor mir – weiß ich, dass ich all das vermissen werde. An Orten an denen ich mich zuhause fühlte, auf langen Nachtfahrten zwischen dem einen und anderen, lasse ich Teile von mir zurück. Ein Tausch, der mit Erinnerungen einhergeht. Ich werde sie spüren diese Lücken und Leere; und als Fernweh empfinden. Was ist Fernweh, wenn nicht die Sehnsucht nach mir selbst. An jenen anderen an den ich mich erinnere; nicht wo, sondern wer ich einmal war.

Back in 2018 I did mainly two different travels for the purpose of landscape photography. I went for a month in spring, and for about three months in autumn. I had done this three-month-trip twice before. First in 2014, and I remember vividly the state of mind I had, and the kind of person I was. There was a lot of strength; and this pure energy to go out into the world without thinking too much or to doubt how things will work out under these unknown circumstances. I was happy to be on my own, and when I felt the need to share something I was talking in my thoughts. Two years later I was finally in the happiest time of my life. I carried my girlfriend in my mind, and didn’t felt lonely at all. When I look back onto the self-portrait I’d taken and the videos I’d recorded nowadays I can’t believe that this was really me. I was good-humoured and openly like never before, always an open smile on my face. Then, 2018, some of the loneliest months and years lay behind. In fact, especially the days before this travel. I had literally stopped talking due to my moods. When I finally was sitting in the plain, not long to go, I fell in a way I hadn’t experienced before. Little later, now sitting in the rental car, my mood changed, and I realized that I actually had never expected to be back here ever again. The sun was setting slowly, and while I drove out of town warm light was slipping through the trees. I knew that I was back again, back into life. This trip has been decent, a lot of different experiences leading to myself, and even questioning who I am at all, and what my mind is like. I remember at most that I was totally fine being on my own, no longing for closeness anymore. I used to write a lot of my thoughts and feelings into my notebook, and when I was in the mood of sharing something, I was telling it in thoughts. To people I’d met years before, and those I never knew at all.

When I was back home, I had to go to work, but didn’t found a proper accommodation in time. I continued to sleep in my car like I already had done it before; and didn’t cared about it at all. I was on my own.

This is a selection of thirty photographs I’d taken during these three months of travel, ordered chronologically.

Landscape Photography of the Year Collection
- 2018 | 2019 | 2020 -

Landscape Photography of the Year 2018 (Autumn)

Landscape Photography of the Year 2018 (Autumn)
