Those who own a mac tend to get all worked out on even the tiniest scratch, but on the other hand they still believe the myth that no harm can come to their device in the form of viruses and malware. Well.. these days it just seem smarter to have some protection, no?
Airo is not your average anti-virus program. it is light weight and friendly. It aims to give Mac users the hassle free experience they are used to from nowadays apps and services.

Above all else our main guideline in designing this product was to shoutout "not an anti virus!". Creating the brand while designing the product UX,  allowed us to make sure both are as friendly as advertised. We decided the product should be more of a widget than a traditional AV program. Minimal in size, transparent in parts to give the motion that the entire interface with Airo is just a momentary break from what the user is doing. We believe that being protected should make the user feel safe not alarmed and should not interfere with daily activities. 

Branding and graphic language, App UX, Web design.
Airo Product Design

Airo Product Design
