Nowaste Ukraine Brand Identity


Nowaste is the biggest recycling organisation in Ukraine. When creating the identity for Nowaste Ukraine, we decided that its new face was to broadcast as many principles of sustainability as possible: recycling, minimization and reasonable consumption, upcycling and environmental friendliness overall.  The main color of NWU is electric green. On the one hand it is the most eloquent metaphor of an ecological organisation, and on the other hand it has a bold statement vibe.

It's, well, impossible to upcycle digital content, but we came up with reusing an outdated typeface like Comic Sans, Tahoma etc. The font was supposed to be either "vintage" or monospaced, cause we wanted to make a container-like grid for every graphic element to recreate the recycling principle by graphic means. Thus, we made Courier great again. In terms of minimisation, we put away all the ink from the typeface. Only stroke was left alive to shorten the consumption of paint during printing.

An the last, but not the least sustainable thing in Nowaste Ukraine identity is the real upcycling of merch and stationery. The sustainable brand must have a sustainable identity. Hope we managed to create one :D

Nowaste Ukraine Brand Identity