The WanderingSoul's profile

There Was Loneliness (Watch Me Fade Away)

There Was Loneliness
[And Fade Away When Morning Came]
Watch Me Fade Away, Watch Me Waste Away
"Vom Leben habe ich nur erbeten, an mir vorüberzugehen, ohne dass ich es spüre. Von der Liebe habe ich nur verlangt, nie aufzuhören, ein ferner Traum zu sein."
[Fernando Pessoa - Das Buch der Unruhe]

What else was this all about
if not the distraction from the fact
that this life was forever lonely
and forever will.

"What a lonely life this has been."
As if I ever could have said something more truthful.

There Was Loneliness (Watch Me Fade Away)

There Was Loneliness (Watch Me Fade Away)
