Mark Hirschhorn's profile

Frequently Asked Questions about Online Therapy

Mark Hirschhorn is the president and COO of Talkspace, a company committed to delivering quality therapy to people through an online platform. In his work, Mark Hirschhorn draws on many years of experience working with companies in the health sector.

Online therapy is becoming an important part of the landscape of therapy services. Here are answers to some of the common questions surrounding it:

Question: Can online therapy be as effective as traditional therapy?

Answer: Research going back to 2014 has found that online therapy can be just as effective as in-person therapy for many conditions, including depression and anxiety disorders.

Q: Are online therapists real therapists?

A: Most reputable online therapy services work with licensed mental health professionals. The licensing requirements of their therapists often can be found on their website.

Q: How often can I speak with an online therapist?

A: The degree of care you receive will depend upon your particular needs and the provider you choose. Some providers allow you to speak with therapists daily or even several times a day.
Frequently Asked Questions about Online Therapy

Frequently Asked Questions about Online Therapy


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